Welcome back for August’s Staff Spotlight! This month we met Laura, one of our Care Assistants here at Verina Daly Care! Here’s what we found out…

Laura Staff Spolight 300x300 1

1. Your job role: 

Care Assistant

2. What is the best part of your job? 

The best part of my job is meeting a range of people that all have interesting stories from their younger days.

3. Tell me about your best day at work.

My best day at work is when everything runs smoothly and all my clients are happy, knowing I have made a difference to their day even if it just a cup of tea and a chat.

4. Favourite movie/tv show

My favourite movie is the classic Pretty Woman!

5. Favourite food

I really don’t know my favourite food, I like most things! But I suppose my mums home made lasagne.

6. Do you have any pets?

I have a cavelier King Charles spaniel, her name is Bella she is so cute and cuddly

7. Tell us a joke

My sense of humour can be quite dry or sarcastic, I only know knock knock jokes which everyone has hear before

Thank you Laura for making a difference to your clients day! We will back next month for our first Autumn Staff Spotlight!

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